The Life of a Warrior by Sgt. David Hack

Sarge has overcome
many challenges in his lfe

including an impoverished childhood, an abusive father, life-threatening wounds received during his stint in Vietnam for which he received a second purple heart, homelessness, and most recently an unjustified and relentless smear campaign which dwells on past statements that have been corrected by Sgt Hack.

Sarge has transcended these painful events and used them as a catalyst to motivate himself to achieve his successes - from being the Nation's #1 US Army recruiter for four years running to heading a retail business, which has survived despite the unjustified smears, and which supplies both the US Military and the public.

Sarge's faith, hard work and can-do attitude have taken him from a child who lived in a dirt-floor shack in Sunfish KY to a man who counts among his closest supporters senior military officers and others. As a person who knows a thing or two about physical and emotional scars, Sarge is quick to help and encourage those who are facing similar challenges.

Sarge's book, The Life Of A Warrior, was written with this goal in mind. Its positive message of triumph over adversity has helped countless people, including many military veterans, all around the world..


Inspirational Comments from Readers

Sebastion C.


The book stands for not only a man. But a person that went from a normal live to having almost been mark for dead. With all this going on he went from the pits of hell to coming home like the rest of our troops have to go threw and loses everything. Pick himself up and still love want he did and I know would do it again. I have not only share my copy but. Handed to another Army vet that was there and he also said. Yes it was hell but he has no regrets he is a Veteran and always will love our country. Sgt. Hack me and my other fellow Americans. Chould never give you back your life before the war. But because of you I can sit here and say God bless our VETS.. And many you have happy Dreams. You understand what I am saying. God bless you.



FWow! I find it hard to make any meaningful comment about Sarge. I always wondered what I would do if I faced a situation like Sarge was in. I spent the best part of 8 years in the Navy and feel ashamed to say I serve my country when compared to Sarge. While there may be some who can say that their story is close to the same as Sarge's, most of us just led a mundane existence in comparison. Some one said that 'most people go through life without ever having lived it" but people like Sarge have lived it to the fullest and have become and inspiration and a model to look up to. Thank you Sarge for your service and sacrifice and from a Brother-in Arms, Welcome Home.

Tom S.


As a Vietnam Veteran, I believe SFC Hack's book, "The Life of a Warrior", is a must read for all Vietnam Veterans and anyone interested in getting some idea of what often happened to the dedicated warriors who answered the call to serve in the most controversial war our country ever faced, came home to an uncaring, often hostile, public, went into a long, downward spiral and then rose from the ashes to resume a place in society as a respected, hard working citizen. The book is easy to read and goes straight to the point as it moves quickly along. The story is honest without being gruesome. I found SFC Hack's path upward very inspiring and I believe any Veteran of any war would also find inspiration within these chapters. It reminded me again that our cause was just and we have nothing to be ashamed of. Do yourself a favor and read this book.



I always find inspiration when I read about individuals who overcome adversity and become productive citizens. The Life of a Warrior is an excellent example of someone who did exactly that.David Hack could be the "poster boy" for what can be accomplished in life when the cards seemed to be stacked against success. I fully appreciate his service to our country and am pleased that the way he has lived his life is nothing short of outstanding. Thank you, SFC Hack.

Bradley M.


Believe in yourself. When I read The Life Of A Warrior I was left with an indelible feeling of self belief in myself as my mind meandered through the pepper corn and double gee ("thats a nasty little prickle") pathway between imagining myself there on Friday the thirteenth 1968 in Vietnam, being attacked by the Viet Cong and surviving with more than just a hot terrible taste in my mouth. The first chapter of Sgt. Hacks book The Life Of A Warrior leaves no dought as to the gravity of the situation Sgt. Hack found himself in, the following chapters tell us why he was so able to survive it. After being raised by a man who sounded as hard as the wood he'd been working with most of his days and who threw his kids around just like they were made of the same stuff, in a time where luxuries were more the stuff of dreams, if there was room enough in a kids mind living under such conditions as young David Hack grew up in for dreams of luxuries to enter, then it follows that a man who has been through such hardships and still has the willpower and foresight to see to it that he gets himself into a position whereby he is the one sent forth to stand and protect such an army General as General Keith Ware, would also be able to shoulder the responsibility of surviving the terrible injuries inflicted upon him by the unwielding Viet Cong.
After being brought up in a 'dirt floored sheep shack' in Sunfish, Kentucky sergeant Hack must have seen most everything that stood in his way thereafter as a moveable object. One gets that impression from the way he dealt with the bullies and crooked cops and sea sickness as he moved on out of rural Kentucky and into the United States Coast Guard. One also gets a strong feeling of human goodness from the intervention of Ivan Shively who was about "as cute as a toothless rat" but who came along and it sounds like "kicked" metaphorically a new sense of urgency of moral goodness into the young David Hack. The Life Of A Warrior has all this and more in it as it touches on several points of interest in the life of sergeant David Hack, shedding light upon key points in the road that led him to grow up a staunch and trustworthy figure in himself to escape out of the precarious nature of his surroundings, touching base with the great Cassius Clay on the way, even encapsulating a time in history when the world was either too busy building following a war or too lax to take the time out to bury the war dead on Wake Island, something he took the time out himself to do in a true show of human dignity, compassion and patriotism. The Life Of A Warrior has all this and more, not bad for 55 page book. Telling it is not reading it. Read The Life Of A Warrior and be amazed by its shining light.

Reber C.


A great gift with my purchase.. I admire those who are self made. This book is is the story of one such man. Sgt. Hack reminds me in some ways of my father. My father was orphaned, was not kept by relatives, and raised in an orphanage. There he met my mother, another orphan. They raised 5 children and put them all through college. No help from anyone. The book also reminds me of what military service gives someone. Maturity and responsibility were two of my gifts. It goes without saying what some in the military gave and continue to give for their country, and their fellow service members. It is a staggering gift. A great book to pass on.

Dave C., Norton, OH


I received a copy of the book "The Life of a Warrior" when my wife and I drove to Hudson, Ohio to purchase one of the jackets. At that time, I did not know who was the owner of U.S. Wings and simply set the book aside to be looked at on a future date. While researching the site for a sizing chart, I discovered that the company was owned by Sgt Hack. I grew up in the area. Munroe Falls,Stow and Cuyahoga Falls and heard the name "Sgt. Hack used". I also heard about Sgt. Hack from a family member that had contact with him, that was back in the late 1970's. I needed to relay the above background information to put into context the rest of my review. I actually opened up the PDF version of the book and printed it off not remembering that I had received a bound copy of the book at the store. Just one of those well "duh" moments for me, but does let folks know that they can download the book to their computer and read and/or print it off on paper copy. On to the review. The book has filled in the missing pieces about Sgt Hack that I did not know. My impression of Sgt Hack has been greatly expanded AND CHANGED due to the book.
I too have overcome an injury, as I was hurt in High School and I know how difficult it is to work through these life changing events. My family has also shared some of the humble beginnings and I can completely relate how it molds one's character, for good or bad. My respect for the sacrifices that Sgt Hack did for our country, for his family and for himself grew as I read the book. We all need to know the back story behind the man. I greatly respect him (now that I know the backstory) for not allowing life's experiences to push him to (Star War's cliche NOT intended) the dark side of life.
I also (now that I know) greatly respect him for volunteering to put himself into the same "harm's way" that he was recruiting young men into. That is the mark of a man of integrity, so much of which is lacking in today's so-called leaders. (read the book to find out how...) I suggest everyone read the book and understand how Sgt Hack's life mirrors so many of our returning veterans. Wounded, physically and spiritually, but still maintaining the perseverance to continue to forge ahead. He can set a shining example for others on how to overcome their own issues !!!! From a pure literary perspective, the book was short and to the point. The information was presented in a way that I read through the book completely (granted it is not very long, which is the only shortcoming). I feel Sgt Hack's story could be expanded a bit without hurting the intention behind the book. How cool is it, that the act of buying a jacket can loop a person (me, after all this time from first hearing the name Sgt Hack) back into the sphere of influence of another (Sgt Hack) so that I could have the opportunity to know the real story...